File Version Platform Size
Snowflakes™ v1.02 Windows™ 1.1 MiB

Select one of the following links to download

Server Connection Location
VanDerLee HTTP U.S.A. Download

Installation instructions

  • Double-click on the downloaded file to start it.
  • Depending on your version of Windows™, you may see a warning message. If you are sure you downloaded the file from one of the servers above you can safely continue.
  • Read the legal agreement and accept and press the "Next" button to continue installation.
  • The installation will automatically detect compatible graphics applications.
    Check the boxes to the left of the applications you want to install to.
  • If your graphics application was not detected, you can still manually provide an installation folder using the custom folder button beneath.
  • Clicking the "Install" button will install the plug-in to the graphics applications.
  • After installation has completed, you are asked to stop or continue. Continue if you want to install the plug-in somewhere else, otherwise press the "Stop" button.
  • Installation is now finished and the plug-in should appear in your graphics application.